segunda-feira, 23 de janeiro de 2012


POSTEI ONTEM e hoje mesmo soube do cancelamento... o tour manager Neri propôs a substituição na turnê pela banda curitibana Krappulas (psychobilly) mas obteve, até o momento, resposta positiva apenas de Ribeirão Preto. No aguardo de novidades...

e-mail do cancelamento:
Hi brother.
it is with great sadness that Workinghorse Irons must cancel/postpone the Psycho Carnival 2012 tour.
My Mother in law is very ill and my wife must go to look after her leaving me at home with the children.
I have no other option but to stay in australia till this matter is resolved as she must travel over 1000 kilometres
to see her and stay with her. As a band the boys are very dissapointed as am I but my hands a tied.
WHI was so looking forward to playing in brazil and I was so looking forward to seeing Batmobile as they are my favourite band,we really apprecciate all the work you have put in. Maybe we
can put in back till later in the year as we still want to come. Please apoligise to all the bands,people,friends involved
in helping us out and wanted to catch up with all our new friends.
Again I am so very sorry with this news but I must support my wife in this matter, as you can understand she is very upset and
saddened by the news of her ill Mother.
We will put a post on our Facebook page and if you can do this on your end that would be apprecciated.
Apoligies my friend....(big hugs)
Joey Crapis (WHI)

A banda psychobilly australiana THE WORKINGHORSE IRONS, atração do Psycho Carnival, fará uma breve turnê entre 10 e 12 de fevereiro, sendo a última data em Itu, agendada pela MAFIA ROCKER junto ao bar UNDER ROCK´S, com participação das bandas parceiras HELLGRASS e BAD MOTORS! Em breve, mais infos!


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